
Year End Function

Contact Details

Company Name(Required)
Contact Person(Required)
Contact Number(Required)

Tasting Offerings

The various tastings are offered at the individual tasting vendors respectively. The average duration of a tasting is 30 minutes and it is offered from 10h00 - 16h30. The tasting venues are within easy walking distance from each other. No reservations are required as all tastings are offered on the 1st come, 1st served principal.
Spice Route Passport
To view the tasting options visit the Passport Page.
Individual Explorer Vouchers
To view the tasting options visit the Passport Page.

Restaurant Reservations

Spice Route Destination has a choice of three restaurants. The restaurants are not Halaal certified. You are most welcome to contact our local Halaal caterer, Roeshdia Mohamed Karan directly for your catering needs. The food will be delivered to the restaurant of your choice on the day of your function. | | | 0781231181
Preferred Restaurant(Required)
We are interested in team building activities(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Arrival Time(Required)
Dining Time(Required)

Upon submission, the restaurant of your choice will be in contact with you as well as the Year end function facilitator.